Thursday, March 31, 2011

Alexa Chung for Superga

My favourite intelligent fashionista ALEXA CHUNG starred in yet another advertising campaign - this time for SUPERGA - an Italian canvas sneakers brand famous for its exceptional quality. Alexa models comfy footwear in relaxed and slightly playful poses and some of her trademark vintage outfits.

Eva Herzigova's "Hello boys" ad - the most iconic of all time

EVA HERZIGOVA's "Hello boys" WONDERBRA campaign was named the most iconic outdoor ad of all time. When first released in 1994 - the time when half-naked ladies still haven't taken over billboards everywhere - it was blamed for causing car crashes. The ad was voted by the public in a poll organised by the Outdoor Media.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Musical discovery of the week: Pete and The Pirates

Great tunes, fun lyrics and low-budget vids - PETE AND THE PIRATES is indie rock at its best and most enjoyable - at least for me it is. The guys released their debut album, "Little Death," back in 2008 and as of today I've got it in my iPod, while excitedly waiting for their second, "One Thousand Pictures" that is due May 23. After all the song "United" from this upcoming record is what made me fall for them!

United by Pete And The Pirates


The key piece for my casual look this spring-summer is going to be this - a denim shirt. I have stayed away from it through the years - never ever owned one. But now, with all this denim craze going around - I suddenly fell in love with it and can't wait to get one! Who knows, I may even make it a shirt-dress - like the one from Mango or Oasis.

supergirl lol

supergirl lolsupergirl lol
creative picture superhero like supergirl. we can cure our stress after all long day work with see this pic. that must be joke..... hahahhaha lol :D
Funny Photo pic

choice your head

choice your headchoice your head - creative artwork photo paint that mean : what do you want to be??
Choice your head sometimes things just quit working i don't know if you have ever experienced this, but i have and i think it is a law of nature so, when my fan waiting for me outside of house backyard. that fine world art.

silent please - that better

silent please - that betteract to be silent please - that better - painting art description of the meaning in silent action by this painting artwork.
Better be silent well having had this for absolutely ages i thought it was about time that i better start using this properly please bare in mind i have the technical capabilities.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Porsche pics

The Evora is the first product of a five year plan started in 2006 to expand the Lotus line of cars. As such it is a larger car than recent Lotus models Elise and its derivatives (Exige, Europa S, etc.), weighing an estimated curb weight of 1,350 kg (3,000 lb). It is currently the only Lotus model with a 2+2 configuration, although it has been announced that it will also be offered in a two-seater configuration, referred to as the "Plus Zero" option。 It is also the only 2+2 mid engined coupé on sale. The interior is larger to allow taller persons to fit, such as Lotus CEO Mike Kimberly, and two 99th percentile (6'5") American males.

The cooled boot behind the engine is large enough to fit a set of goff clubs. Lotus intends the Evora to compete with different market sectors including the Porsche Carmen.



With this post I launch my "Style Obsession" series, in which I will showcase a certain trend/item I'm lusting for right now accompanied by a selection of images for your (and mine) fashion inspiration.
I love this current lace and crochet trend for allowing to create a sexy and provocative image, but leaving a lot to imagination at the same time (if worn right of course). Crochet dresses and tops give plenty of room for play - the effect (bold or demure) depends entirely on what you wear underneath - a skinny top/dress, a slip or a minimalist bra. And of course crochet vests is a gorgeous element for summertime layering. As for lacy tops, I like the fact that they often look so much like old-fashioned lingerie (as seen above in a photo of Dolce & Gabbana spring/summer 2011 show) or nighties, while a subtle lace dress (like the one from ASOS or Zara below) creates a sweetly romantic look.





Monday, March 28, 2011

Supercars pics


This year's Amelia Island Concours d'Elegance was a celebration of Duesenbergs from both the road and track. Picked from over thirty cars in the feature classes, top awards went to the SJ Mormon Meteor Speedster and SJN Arlington Torpedo known as ‘20 Grand.’

If it was possible to get away from the Dueseys, founder Bill Warner also assembled a dedicated display for both Allard and Kurtis. Not too far away was the concept car class which featured the 1969 Plymouth XNR after its 50 years of hibernation and subsequent restoration.

Over the last week we've assembled almost everything that Amelia had to offer. Among the 1000 pictures is a special section dedicated to the cars of Jack Griffith and the cover cars of Hot Rod magazine. Please let us know if you find any errors or have any contributions as the body of work is quite

Rolling Stone goes Playboy with Rihanna

This pic of the latest ROLLING STONE cover (hitting stores Friday) has been circling the internet today, baffling many innocent minds, including mine. I mean, is this Rolling Stone or Playboy or Maxime? We see RIHANNA here wearing what looks to once have been denim shorts - before they were ripped apart by a wild beast! Moreover - the shorts don't even look real but sloppily photo-shopped right over her naked butt, leaving very little to imagination. What's with you Rolling Stone? First that despicable creature Snooky on your cover and now Playmate Rihanna, who "strikes back" with her buttocks? I can tell they were trying to be "provocative" here, but still - an Epic Fail on every account.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Getting fit for summer in 5 easy steps

I'm really loving this cropped tee trend - it's so sexy yet sporty and casual. But in order to rock it this summer (as well as skinny dresses, bikini and other revealing outfits) I need a nicely shaped flat tummy which, after several winter months of working from home and enjoying various delicious foods, I no longer possess. Luckily, I know how to get it back by following a number of simple guidelines. I'm not saying it's a perfect formula and it works for everybody - but it surely works for me.

The simplest way to shade a kilo or two is to spend more energy than you consume, which translates as: "eat less and move more." Work out means different things for different people and there are not strict rules there: yoga, martial arts, pole dancing - all of it can be fun and effective! Hey, even a day of intensive shopping is a workout! Myself, I tend to alternate several types of workout: POWER WALKING, PILATES and some of the very effective exercises for ABS that I found HERE.

Namely, focus on foods that speed up metabolism and help burn calories, while being perfectly healthy for you at the same time: apples, grapefruit, greens, leek, onions, spinach, rice, eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, seafood, non-fat yoghurt, oatmeal, olive oil etc. Also cook more with fat-burning spices: cinnamon (I add it to coffee every day), chili powder, ginger, garlic, parsley, cardamon, cloves, cumin and curry. Eat nuts as snacks, fruity milkshakes and fruit salads as desserts, and whole-grain bread and dried crust instead of regular bread (my own favorites are Finn Crisps).

Drinking about 2 litres of water a day is a must in general - for my part I often forget about taking that extra sip until I get really thirsty - which already means serious dehydration. But water is especially important when you're trying to lose some weight - it works miracles for metabolism.

Such things as firming creams won't do much for you on their own - despite what all the fancy ads promise - yet, in combination with a certain diet and a workout, they can be of great help to tone up the desired body areas. Especially if carefully massaged into skin. Firming shower gels and scrubs will increase the effect!

I'm not the most organized person in the world and I need a strong stimulant to continue with my plan! So I make a "solemn vow" to my readers and fellow bloggers that I will go through with this. Now I have no other choice :)

Finally I'd like to point out that I don't get fanatical about any of this. I don't ban myself from eating the things I really love - it would only make me crave them more, and I don't torture myself by "not eating after six" and going to bed hungry. I just try watch what I eat in general, don't stuff myself and if I really want a chocolate croissant or cake - try to have it in the first half of the day, and eat lightly in the evening. As for exercising - it can be a drag at first but gets addictive quite soon!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

old mini cooper logo pics

old mini cooper logoold mini cooper logo
old mini cooper logoold mini cooper logo

Let the sunshine in

My first creation with Polyvore - the ultimate stylist's tool. This outfit is light, summery and is built around one of my favorite trends this spring - crochet.